May 11, 2010 ~ Colorado Humanity’s Team Presents Dinner with Rev. Cynthia James

details to be announced

April 20, 2010 ~ Colorado Humanity’s Team Presents Dinner with Carl Studna

Resting in Oneness….
while Having Your Picture Taken

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Carl Studna is a multifaceted photographer, lecturer, author and spiritual counselor. Carl’s three decades of commercial shooting cover the spectrum from commercial photography to intimate portraiture including such luminaries as His Holiness the Dali Lama, Paul McCartney and Deepak Chopra. Studna’s fine art is published worldwide and has graced magazines ranging from Time to Rolling Stone. A passionate storyteller, Studna’s illustrious history, with a wide variety of iconic figures, has been shared via radio interviews, college lectures and art galleries across the country.

Carl’s mission through his craft is to inspire, educate and strengthen self-esteem through cultivating a safe and loving environment that allows his subjects to sense the perfection and oneness residing at the core of their being, thus allowing their true essence to shine.

The primary theme that weaves its way through Carl’s lectures, interviews and published works is that life is a sacred journey to be cherished and embraced, awakening to the splendor that lies in life’s seemingly ordinary moments.

Carl’s intimate interviews and photography with couples, documenting the depth of their loving commitment holds a dear place in his heart. “The Evolution of Loving,” is currently seen through Conscious One’s “Wisdom Flash” series. In addition, Carl is currently working on photographic/text chronicle of well known, inspiring role models for the book, “Portraits of Inspiration” along with a written book, “Click” geared toward transforming the reader’s experience of having their picture taken from one of discomfort and fear to one of joy and self-empowerment.

Carl holds a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a licensed “Science of Mind” Practitioner (Spiritual Counselor). Currently residing in the pristine mountains of Colorado with his wife Cynthia and their two dogs, Carl views the world as his home and considers it an honor to travel the globe in offering his talent and his gifts.

Carl’s Website:

Millennium Harvest House
1345 28th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 443-3850

Only cost for this event is the cost of one’s own dinner.  Please no outside food in the Harvest House.  It is against the County Health Department regulations.

March 29, 2010 ~ Colorado Humanity’s Team Presents Dinner with Mark Gerzon

Founder and President, Mediators Foundation

Mediators Foundation Mission: To foster global leadership for a peaceful, just and sustainable world by identifying, supporting and connecting visionary leaders working in the best interests of our small planet.

Mark Gerzon is one of the key architects of the field of global leadership and an experienced facilitator in high-conflict zones. He has advised a wide variety of organizations including the US Congress, multinational corporations, and UNDP. The author of numerous books, including Leading Through Conflict and Global Citizens, he is currently serving as UN advisor on leadership in conflict-torn countries in Africa and Asia.

As President of Mediators Foundation, which he founded over twenty years ago, Mark is working closely with several projects that also advance the field of global citizenship. He founded the Conflict Transformation Collaborative, a network of peace-builders from around the world. He is currently designing an interactive, awareness-raising workshop ‘The Global Citizen Journey’ based on his most recent book.

For four decades, Gerzon has been involved in global affairs – first as a student (his junior year at Harvard was spent living and studying in seven countries around the world); then as a journalist (he co-founded WorldPaper, a “global newspaper” which reached a circulation of 1.5 million in five languages); next as a citizen diplomat (he worked for several years bringing together Soviet and American civic leaders to help end the cold war); and now as a UN advisor in leadership development.

His articles and commentaries have appeared recently in newspapers ranging from the Washington Post to the International Herald Tribune.

To read more about Mediators Foundation, go to:

DATE: March 29, 2010
Millennium Harvest House
1345 28th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 443-3850

Only cost for this event is the cost of one’s own dinner.  Please no outside food in the Harvest House.  It is against the County Health Department regulations.

February 16, 2010 ~ Colorado Humanity’s Team Presents Dinner with Al Killeen

Al Killeen is currently the owner and President of Killeen Development Technologies dba Personal Mastery/ Programs/Integrative Mastery Programs (9 years). Al is currently in the top 3% of Professional Coaches in the world. He just published his first book: “Soul Proprietorship: 8 Critical Steps to Overcoming Problems in Business and Life”.

Please RSVP as soon as possible as this event will fill up very quickly! Please remember we advertise in several places.  Email your RSVP and write RSVP in the subject line.

If you have any questions, please email Don’t miss this awesome evening! We are looking forward to seeing you there!

The only cost for this event is the cost of your dinner ~ very reasonably priced appetizers & meals.
*FYI – Per Health Dept Rules and Restaurant Policy, No outside food may be brought in to the Restaurant.

Event Info
Millennium Harvest House
1345 28th St
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 443-3850

Tuesday, February 16th, 6:30pm

January 19, 2010 ~ Colorado Humanity’s Team Presents Dinner with Ed & Deb Shapiro

MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW (Tuesday, January 19th, 6:30pm at the Millennium Hotel in Boulder) for this month’s speakers, Ed and Deb Shapiro, authors of the new book, BE THE CHANGE, How Meditation Can Transform You And The World, forewords by the Dalai Lama and Robert Thurman, with contributors such as Marianne Williamson, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Ellen Burstyn, Michael Beckwith, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Jane Fonda, Jack Kornfield, Byron Katie, Dean Ornish, and others is published by Sterling Ethos. Deb is the author of the award-winning book YOUR BODY SPEAKS YOUR MIND. Ed and Deb are the authors of over 15 books, and lead meditation retreats and workshops. To learn more about Ed and Deb, please visit their website:

Please RSVP as soon as possible as this event will fill up very quickly! Please remember we advertise in several places.  Email your RSVP and write RSVP in the subject line.

If you have any questions, please email Don’t miss this awesome evening! We are looking forward to seeing you there!

The only cost for this event is the cost of your dinner ~ very reasonably priced appetizers & meals.

Millennium Harvest House

1345 28th St
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 443-3850

Tuesday, January 19th, 6:30pm


Nannette Kennedy

Colorado Humanity’s Team Presents Dinner & Barbara Marx Hubbard’s New Movie

We would love for you to join us for our Holiday Dinner on Tuesday December 15 at the Millennium Harvest House

We will be watching Barbara Marx Hubbard’s new movie, “VISIONS of a Universal Humanity” while having dinner. After the dinner, we will discuss the movie.

There is no charge for the movie ~ we only ask that everyone pay for their own meal. The menu choices ranged from $8.00 on up.

Please RSVP and write RSVP in subject line & mention Barbara Marx Hubbard in the body of your email.

December 15, 2009

Dinner & a Movie (everyone pays for their own meal)

6:30 pm

Millennium Harvest House
1345 28th St
Boulder, CO 80302

Colorado Humanity’s Team Presents Dinner with Jordan Paul

November 10, 2009

This month we are honored to present Dr. Jordan Paul, author of Becoming Your Own Hero. Dr. Paul will discuss his new book. Becoming Your Own Hero presents a comprehensive look at what may be the most important, challenging, and least understood pursuit of our lives” learning to live consistently with our hearts open” who we truly are. Our most revered heroes, such as Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, distinguished themselves by their ability to remain true to themselves even when facing adversity. Whenever we exhibit this kind of integrity we feel like our own hero. It is available to us all but, even our most inspirational heroes usually have not shown us the way to apply this principle in our close interpersonal relationships. Becoming Your Own Hero fills this gap.

Don’t miss this event ~RSVP as soon as possible ~ ~ please write RSVP in the subject line.  We look forward to seeing you!

Our dinners are “pay your own way” and begin at 6:30pm. Generally, we are finished with the evening’s program right around 8:30pm.